Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Feeling a bit brain drained (as usual) to post, but I'll try my best. It's V'Dae today. I gave my Valentine as nice little gift, it's was a stuffed pig sleeping on a pillow, which is actually a jewellery box with a pair of earrings within. The original idea was to have the pig sleeping on a bed of roses, but I never got around to understanding how to fold the things. So I substituted it with tinsel that looks like hay. Or at least that was the idea.

To the girls of my OG, apologies for not getting anything material for y'all. If you've checked out the E-groups, I've uploaded a Valentine's Day card that I've made last night. If you ask my opinion, the card was successful in a way, cos I realized my design has greatly improved. Animation wise, not so good yet. Music sense... Let's just say I was kinda desperate to finish the thing.

Other things to take note, the Class CIP project is going fine, we just carried out the survey today. Collation will be done by Thursday, but seriously I hope I ain't pushing my commitee so hard. Sometimes I get that impression, but I really want the project to be a success. Same with the Entrepreneur Network. We met for the second time today, and we acheived quite a bit. I've been made the project leader, and that means I'm responsible for whatever the group will be doing. I've better do a good job.

Good thing is, the entre group seems very excited in seeing it completed. All the more reason that I don't screw things up. We'll be meeting this Sat, to finalize the proposal, which we will finish by next friday to be sent for verification. Once it is cleared, we can go on to finding guest performers.

Great. Now I'm officially drained. That's all.


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