Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Just finished one Kasrkin, I'm developing a style for my painting. Just need a fiddly brush for the Insignias. I'll post up a pic sooner or later alright?

Hmm, need to have something scandelous soon, such is the art of the journalist to maintain his reader base.

But what to do? Zack ain't thickskinned enough. Sure I'll make up stories here and then (all for the sake of good fun people, let the flames begin) but really, posting about relationships and scandals and letting the whole world see is quite another thing altogether. How would X feel if he sees someone post about him liking Y while it might not be the case of Y liking X? The uncertainties of such is far too large, and thus makes it far too risky to actually... confirm... such scandals. Relationships can actually go bust because it has been announced that X likes Y, and Y comes along and says he/she doesn't like X. It'll be the end of the story, cos anything is possible. Even if Y doesn't like X, X can still work his/her way up to make Y like him/her. All it takes is one lousy scandal report to actually turn all eyes in their direction (think Eye of Sauron, ow), and Y would distance himself/herself from X as much as possible. So much for THAT dream.

'sides, how does it feel to be at the butt-end of these scandals? Sure, if the two REALLY like each other and don't mind the jokes then that's fine, but what if nothing is confirmed? What if the two are just warming up to each other? Example. Let's say Z likes this girl D, and accidentally let that slip during a conversation. Z get's a sleepless night, worried that D might find out and distance herself from him. Cos one leak is enough to get the whole scandal thing going, and if Z really wants to get to know D better, that single worry of D stepping away can keep Z awake. throughout the night. 'sides, Z doesn't know if D returns the feeling. He might be a bit thick there, but still! A scandal like this is enough to break the dream.

Like I said, example. Pure coincidence if the story sounds familiar to any of y'all.

So don't gossip lah people. Gossip can really kill a dream.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Gee haven't blogged in a long while, sure hope I don't lose my viewers.

Meanwhile please go to Tales of Avia and leave comments! My writing can't be perfect! But yeah don't go crazy and start marking down every single grammar and spelling mistake. Comment on my style, how i can improve.

Mrs Rascal is coming to stay over tmw for a month, so expect a crazed white furball to knock you over when you return home.

Behold, the beginnings of the Imperial Guard Army! Yeah i'm collecting Warhammer 40k right now, and I know two others that play too. It'll be a while before I can actually play a game though, don't have a big enough army yet. Dry painting is fun, but needs LOTS of practice. My Sentinel is unfortunate enough to be my first victim, not bad for a first attempt though. I'll need epoxy glue before I can go on to my Kasrkins.... sigh.

Tuesday is gonna be a holiday, stay home and mug GP time. Sneaky school admin.

Band concert! Yeah please go. Music through the ages. An opportunity not to be missed.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Hey people, Tales of Avia is up and running, so please go there and check it out, leave comments and tell me how I can improve... I've also got RoH to go there as well, so expect to see... different... comments.

Feeling awfully unfocused. Argh.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Alert! Just found out my mom knows about my blog! Ahhhhhhh.
People, gossiping is bad. Don't gossip.

Yeah, finally finished my Soviet SAM launcher... ok, not exactly finished. I plan to build a base but I never really got round to doing it. but ya, take a look.

Yep. I really like it.

In the meantime I got myself a giraffe.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Just received word that my whole family will be heading off to Bangkok during the Vesak Day holidays, so I'll be home alone! Wicked...

So yeah, my mom said it's fine if I organise a stayover of sorts. Anyone interested?
Alright all, I understand that it has been a LONG while since I last updated, I have been really busy this whole week, especially with Entrepreneur business. Even now I'm still working on proposal version 5.0.

So I'll just give y'all a brief update.

  • Got myself Two Towers DVD, loved the Special Features
  • Sneaked a few games of BFME2 while working
  • Got myself a wicked set of EarThumps, mutes the surroundings so it's bound to get you in trouble most of the time.
  • Yeah, new comics.
  • Soviet SAM almost done, I'll get the missile launch assembly and the painting done as soon as I can.
  • Been a DAMN long time since I touched my wife. My euphonium
Yeah, so I think that's it, for now. I'm beginning to write character stories for my characters, expect them up soon.