Monday, August 21, 2006

Now Playing: Davy Jones by Hans Zimmer.

This song is stuck on my head. Listen to it and you'll see why.

There's just something about music boxes and pipe organs being put together that leaves an impact.

Or is it just a reflection of my current state? Hmm.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

The dramatic end to an epic. Kyo reaches its 38th and last issue, and I'm happy. All questions have been answered, all plots have been finished satisfactorily. The only downside to this series is that the good guys always win. A loved one will call out to them, a hidden ability unlocked etc... and the good guys rise from the dead and pwn the bad guys. Get's a bit frustrating, but the plot was enough to keep you going. The final answer, "The Greatest Secret" was so well done it was shocking. Go read it already.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Things to do:
  • Do Int. History Tutorial.
  • Do Maths AP GP Tutorial.
  • Do EOM.
  • Start writing Chem notes.
  • Sort out Imperial Guard Army Lists (I've dozens of these)
  • Start working.
Woe be me if I don't get to work soon.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Damn. I need a study group. The thought of peers breathing down my neck should I think of slacking should pressure me to work. Harder.

Friday, August 11, 2006

A bit overdue, but I'm posting this cos of something that cropped up. Remember Yeah, I ran this through to them. Here's the list and the supporting evidence:
  • Me : Alan Tam
  • Jay : Fasha Sandha
  • Asiyah : Tia Carrere
  • Sam : Kim Rossi Stuart
  • Steffi : Gillian Chung
  • Rebecca : Gillian Chung
  • Lip Kai : Kim Jung Il

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Seven random facts about me:
  1. I like waffles.
  2. I have a thing for the underdog in most strategy games (e.g. Imperial Guard, necromancers etc.)
  3. I can cook decent Italian
  4. I still watch the occasional cartoon.
  5. I need to be in the right mood to work. Pressure helps too.
  6. I'm quiet, but when I get started I can't stop.
  7. I don't hesitate in taking gambles in strategy.
Seven things that scare me:
  1. Failure.
  2. Defeat.
  3. My imagination.
  4. Loss.
  5. Inability to get work done in time.
  6. Embarassment.
  7. Being locked out of my house.
Seven songs at the moment:
  1. Uptown Girl by Westlife (What? It's catchy.)
  2. He's a Pirate by Klaus Bedelt
  3. If I Let You Go by Westlife (I agree, I shouldn't be listening to it too many times...)
  4. 1812 Overture by you-know-who (bah, I want that remix)
  5. Cry of the Slovak Women (it's a Russian march. Don't look at me like that.)
  6. It's National Day. What do you think.
  7. ...
Seven things I like:
  1. Waffles.
  2. Appreciation.
  3. Victory after a hard fight (simple victory is just not satisfying enough.)
  4. Revenge.
  5. Computers. What will I do without them.
  6. Success.
  7. Finished work.
Seven bad habits:
  1. Five more minutes...
  2. I got an itch up my nose...
  3. Can't get priorities right...
  4. Stubborness...
  5. Loss of words at incovienient times...
  6. Swiping back my hair when it grows too long...
  7. Crazy laughter...
Seven victims (Do I have to?)
  1. Matthew. So easy to tease. Gee man ya gotta be quicker to beat me...!
  2. Zhu Feng. D'oh.
  3. Sam. Sorry man, another easy target. >wink<
  4. Jian Wei. Hah.
  5. Lip Kai. Work harder at DotA, you. Sam, you too, eh?
  6. My sis. Fulfilling my role as a little brother. Not easy you know.
  7. ...
There's a lot more, but I just can't remember what nasty/evil/sneaky thing I did to y'all. Just you wait.

On a side note, played my second game of Warhammer 40k today. Man I got to do something about those assault types. Maybe a couple of mortars or hiding in cover...

Monday, August 07, 2006

Alright Jian Wei, 7 things about myself. Thanks for the inspiration, eh.
  1. I'm awfully prone to mood swings, and I have come to describe these moods to be 'Raven' and 'Phoenix'. The former being overly serious, moody, anti-social... while the latter just doesn't know when to stop talking. Too sociable. (You can guess which mood I'm in now.)
  2. I have a real hybrid of hobbies and interests. My main distraction right now is Warhammer 40k, where I'm still painstakingly painting my Guardsmen... but I do the occasional writing and sketching.
  3. Despite my two moods, one thing is for sure. I have a soft spot for cuddly things.
  4. Despite me being serious most of the time, I'm prone to occasional bouts of lameness, more so when I'm in a 'Phoenix' mood.
  5. I'm awfully stubborn. Nothing sways my opinion or my course of action. In short, I won't stop till my objective is fulfilled.
  6. Contrary to popular belief, I'm still studying French, but at the Alliance Francais Singapour. My lessons only start on 1 September.
  7. I tend to make connections and read too much into things. Not good at all.
Yeah... that should be it.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

My balck primer has come, and you know what that means.

That's right, black fingernails, and sore thumbs.

Friday, August 04, 2006

A heart that pins,
a mind that wonders.
An answer that I seek to find,
one that can only be hers.

Thinking to days gone by,
to times that might 'ever return.
And I ask myself why,
how has is it come to this turn?

So listen to the Ballad of the Fool,
The song of the confused and the lost.
For even if I know one leads to two,
I still hold one to the life that was.
You'll tell me to move on,
to live like any other.
But I'll shake my head and say,
not till I get my answer.

The rain beats on and I look outside,
feeling the weight of my heart.
The day has already given way to night,
and yet here I stay, looking away has 'ever been so hard.

But's nothing I can do,
;cept wonder about the cold.
So I hum a little tune,
the first words that go...

Yep I just realized writing lyrics for love songs can be awfully cheesy. But hey, it was... refreshing.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Okay, just remembered a couple more of jokes that you need to watch Black Pearl before you can understand them:

  • "Elizabeth! Quick, hide the rum!" Elizabeth is guilty for using several crates of rum that Jack hid to light a beacon.
  • The eunuch joke. I kid you not. When Jack "inspected" Will, he made a scissors motion with his hands, and all the tribe natives went "ooooh, eunuch...." When Jack first met Will, he said, "Or, perhaps the reason why you practise three times a day is because you already found a girl, and unable to woo said strumpet. You're not a eunuch, are you?"
Go watch the movies already.