Monday, August 07, 2006

Alright Jian Wei, 7 things about myself. Thanks for the inspiration, eh.
  1. I'm awfully prone to mood swings, and I have come to describe these moods to be 'Raven' and 'Phoenix'. The former being overly serious, moody, anti-social... while the latter just doesn't know when to stop talking. Too sociable. (You can guess which mood I'm in now.)
  2. I have a real hybrid of hobbies and interests. My main distraction right now is Warhammer 40k, where I'm still painstakingly painting my Guardsmen... but I do the occasional writing and sketching.
  3. Despite my two moods, one thing is for sure. I have a soft spot for cuddly things.
  4. Despite me being serious most of the time, I'm prone to occasional bouts of lameness, more so when I'm in a 'Phoenix' mood.
  5. I'm awfully stubborn. Nothing sways my opinion or my course of action. In short, I won't stop till my objective is fulfilled.
  6. Contrary to popular belief, I'm still studying French, but at the Alliance Francais Singapour. My lessons only start on 1 September.
  7. I tend to make connections and read too much into things. Not good at all.
Yeah... that should be it.


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