Thursday, March 30, 2006

Oh yeah, did I mention Bio test? I didn't? Or did I?

Anyway today was a good day. Council Interview was smooth, don't think I screwed up badly, at least Senthil said I didn't do too bad. Won a few games of Star Munchkin, just returning the favour after Lip Kai's victories over me. I think he's still pissed that I made a Lvl 1 Chair telepathic, making it undefeatable by him. He went on about how I should have targeted Michelle Jane, who had a higher level and therefore a bigger threat... Yeah I guess that's true, but it was MJ's first game anyway. Give chance lah you.

Last round was awfully close, Lip Kai almost won, lucky I got initiative and killed a monster before he did, he had traded away his monster enhancers for a low level monster in hopes that he would get his turn before me. Thing is, I think he forgot he drew a monster first turn, so he can't "look for trouble", allowing me to kill my monster before he can. So this victory was lucky, in a sense. But hey, that victory in the holding room for Council interview was sweet, ok? Go me.

'Sides, when we played our second game with Mei Ting, everyone was level 9, and she fought this monster that she couldn't kill on her own, but she chose to fight with Lip Kai and together they whooped the monster's ass, giving them both a level each, making them both the winners of that game. Zack felt really sad after that.

Glad that more people are catching on to the game, it gets boring playing with the same people all the time. I think it's the idea of backstabbing that makes it fun and attractive. Will try to get other versions of the game...


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