Sunday, July 30, 2006

I might have detered some of my reader base, but a blog is a place where you put forth your feelings, and I make sure that it damn well fulfils it's role.

Excuse me for bitching.

So nayway, some have asked why I felt that POTC: Dead Man's Chest was a disappointment. Don't get me wrong, I like the comedy and all, but to me a movie that ends with a cliffhanger is an instant penalty. Second thing, this movie relies heavily on you remembering the first so you won't be confused.

Who recognized Barbossa in the end? A friend thought that was Bootstrap.

Another thing was that some jokes also depend on you to remember the first movie. Here's a few of them. I feel it fair to warn you of potential spoilers.

  • The undead monkey. Anyone who watched the first movie's credits to the end will realize that the monkey took the Aztec gold out of the chest again, hence it became undead again.
  • The candlestick in the jail. Governor Swann broke it while he was there, coincidentally interrupting a rather tender moment between Will and Elizabeth. In the first movie, when we firs see grown up Will, he was in the main hall of the Governor's residence, and he broke a candlestick. Yeah. I guess I was the only one who chuckled at that one.
  • The prisoners. In the first movie, the prisoners were waving and whistling to the dog with the keys to come closer. In DMC, it was Elizabeth they wanted.
  • The waterwheel. Gee y'all forgot the wagon fight scene already? The scriptwriters must have loved balancing acts while fighting.
  • The apple. In the last scene, Barbossa was seen FINALLY eating his apple. He was quoted from Black Pearl that the first thing he wanted to do after becoming mortal again was to eat a whole bushel of apples. An apple rolled out of his sleeve when he was killed. Well, at least he got his wish.
  • "Bloody Pirates!" Heh, classic.
I'll try to remember a few more. But frankly I'm glad that most of the characters came back. I for one was glad that Barbossa never really died, tell me any of you felt a slight bit of pity for him when that apple rolled out, eh? Norrington looks bloody different. I suppose it's the wig that he's NOT wearing. Oh, and anyone remembers Murtogg and Mulroy? Our comical two Brit soldiers? They were there when they escorted Governor Swann to that new guy's office.

Ok I've said too much. Go watch it already.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

I'm pissed. Very, pissed. Fortunately for y'all, I was distracted by the disappointment that was Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, so I did not blast out yesterday. Now I'm going to do that. And I'm not going to bother about the niceties. If no one else bothers with that on me, why should I bother either? I might piss off a couple of readers, I apologize for that, but this is damn well what I feel.

Sure, it has been a while since a class outing was organized, but in the end it was just a small event, just four of us guys and three other girls. We were walking down the path that led to the cross junction at Junction 8, when the topic of conversation became that of a friend's... orientation. No names. So the comment made was that they didn't know this guy's... preference. The comment went roguhly along the lines of, "Look's what he's done during PE, and look where's he's walking right now." I looked down and saw the the guy in question was working on grass beside the path, but looking up I realized what the comment meant. He was walking beside me.

Damnit, and I had told the guy that MADE the comment well enough of MY preferences. I even let out a secret to him and warned him not to make gay comments like that AGAIN. Now it has come up. What do I have to do to remind him? Stitch his mouth shut so he doesn't spout out such nonsense again?

But I kept silent during the whole journey, and just walked on ahead of the group. I'm not going to hang around to listen to such comments about me. I don't know how the guy in question felt about the situation (they continued teasing him about it even in the train journey) but I damn well know how I felt. Downright pissed.

Let me tell y'all why I don't appreciate the gay comments at all. I've been a couple of... relationships (for lack of a better word) with girls, and they didn't turn out well. In fact it left me thinking about what went wrong, and I figured I was brash, and stupid. But one thing is for certain, I like girls. Even now, I'm wondering about my current... situation, and calling me gay is just going to make me more frustrated and pissed. Up to the point that I've taken to isolating myself from the rest of the class. The sharp ones should've noticed this.

But what happens? I get called anti-social. Granted, that is true, but what happens when I get together? Comments like me being gay come along. I'm not going to be hanging around just to hear these remarks.

Granted, I can understand why these comments come about in the first place. I've been in all-boys schools for the past 10 years, and as I told my OG, that can seriously screw a guy up. The only girls that I talk too back then were my sisters and cousins. So I become shy around girls, I can't find much to talk about around them. I can find plenty to talk about with the guys, cos I'm a guy, and so what's wrong with that? I spend more time with them means I'm gay?

What do I have to freakin' do to prove my point? Go out with a girl? That's just low and wrong.

And I want to warn all of you out there. Just because I write this entry, doesn't mean I'm gay and trying to defend otherwise. I'll seriously clobber the point that I'm NOT gay into your heads, literally.

Now you know how I feel. I want to leave this point in your heads.

I'm straight.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

You know, I'll rather things be more hostile. At least there's communication between the two parties, and both sides know well what the other feels.

But I can't let these distract me now, other commitments have come along, and I must... push other matters aside if I am to concentrate on the tasks before me.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Alright, confession time. Confession 1: I've let the yearbook of 2004 into the hands of the girls of my PW group. Guys of 07S03O (with the exception of Jye Yee), they now know how you look like 2 years ago. Just in case you think it ain't serious... "OMG so cute...." "Is that really him?" "He smiles so nice..."

Confession 2: Sam, I let the girls listen to your album I Can't Tell You. Now you got yourself a fan club.

Friday, July 21, 2006

I'm just repeating If I let You Go again and again, till I get some understanding of the situation around me. If you excuse me...

Monday, July 17, 2006

Know what I hate about rumours? You never know if they're correct. And it leaves you wondering as well. Speaking of which, I never did get my answer.

My second shipment of IG equipment has arrived, I'm glad I'm back to my hobby. My army lists ain't complete though, but it hasta wait till next month. But I must admit, I'm not really motivated to do much work right now... too much on my mind.

National Band Compeitition ended yesterday, RJCSB snagged the second place after TJc (grr). If the Euphonium judge marked us down then I claim responsibility, screwed up once too many times. (It was like a "Shit! Not him!" kind of situation, for those who get it)

Friday, July 14, 2006

Man, really haven't been blogging. I don't know where to start. At all. Well, I'm glad that I finally got another chapter of Tales of Avia coming up. But first, I'll write about the political players of Avia first. You can blame Warhammer 40k for one of them.

Kick-ass coffee, know what it does to you? It keeps you friggin' awake. Awake long enough to figure out what's wrong with Heroes V and make it run super smooth and fast. Eat that Matthew.

Entrepreneur Bazaar was some bomb, everyone prefers candy floss to popcorn. Now we have an entire stock to sell, and damn we've to do smth about it. If the stock goes soft, I'll march riiight home.

And on a side note, people who think I'm in a state of two minds, I think you're right. Don't worry, it's just that I'll go uber serious and anti-social one moment, and emotive the other. Kind of like Raven and Phoenix. I'm beginning to understand how I came with the two, it's really like writing about the two sides of me. Freaky.

On another note, why can't things just remain the way they are? Previously I can talk with you no end, but now I just can't think of what to say. Damn I'm confused. And confused. Such an irony, I try as I might to even get a chance to speak with you, and when I get it I don't know what to say.

What, y'all listening to my inner thoughts?

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Germany has found a new fan. At least, I think so. Really loved their game against Portugal. (Ok, so I was a little biased, but so what? Germany kept their attack strong despite having lesser ball possession, and hit in three goals. Fine, the second one was an own goal.)

This is it. The Finals. France vs Italy. Personally I'm rooting for France, but everyone else thinks Italy will win. Frankly, I have no real idea since I've never seen Italy's matches, but I have heard of their infamous defence. But I quote the commentator "If France can keep Brazil from scoring, they can keep ANYBODY from scoring."

Let's hope Barthez doesn't screw up.

Friday, July 07, 2006

day after day
time pass away
and I just can't get you off my mind
nobody knows
I hide it inside
I keep on searching but i can't find

the courage to show
to letting you know
I've never felt so much love before
and once again I'm thinkin' about
takin' the easy way out

but if I let you go
I will never know
what my life would be
holding you close to me
will I ever see
you smiling back at me
oh yeah
how will I know
if I let you go

night after night
I hear myself say
why can't this feeling just fade away
there's no one like you
you speak to my heart
it's such a shame
we're worlds apart

I'm too shy to ask
I'm too proud to lose
but sooner or later I've gotta choose
and once again
I'm thinkin' about
taking the easy way out

but if I let you go
I will never know
what my life would be
holding you close to me
will I ever see
you smiling back at me
oh yeah
how will I know
if I let you go

if I let you go, oh baby


once again I'm thinkin' about
takin' the easy way out

but if I let you go
I will never know
what my life would be
holding you close to me (close to me)
will I ever see
you smiling back at me
oh yeah
how will I know
if I let you go

but if I let you go
I will never know
(oh baby)

will I ever see
you smiling back at me
oh yeah
How will I know
(how will i know)
if I let you go

Yup. Kinds of sums up what i'm feeling right now.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

England got knocked out of the World Cup about a week ago, I guess I was too bochup to even blog about it. Dam you Eriksson, lousy planning. I'm sure you bring in Crouch when Beckham is not even around to send the ball to his head, or when his ball control cmi. Good thing for Hargreaves and Lennon. But you had to sub Lennon out for Carragher, huh? Did he win that penalty?

Heck, it's all spilt milk, so I don't mind. Thing is, Brazil got knocked out by France, so now there's no interesting team to watch. Aw heck, I'm just watching the matchs anyhow. Kudos to Domennech and his humour. Finals this Sunday, can't wait.

Man, I don't know what happened. I'm beginning to listen to pop songs again, I blame external influences. Can't blame em, the songs that I listen to are nice. (Well, duh)

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Exams over, IG army finished, rediscovered Heroes (III! V, meh)...

It's a cause for celebration!

Went for the SYF Opening today, it was kinda boring, but the Outdoor Band Comp. Was GREAT. Loved the TK display, they had like motifs of heroes like Batman, Superman... and they played like snippets of each theme song! Imnagine the shock when I heard The Incredibles as they entered... They even did a Darth Vader! Never thought they could do that. But their 1812 Overture Finale was the best. Seriously, they made that St Petersburg Cathedral, and had a couple of cannons in the front. People who know the song should know what the cannons were used for. Or even those that watched V for Vendetta. Woo wee, that was awesome!

Deyi Secondary School's Drum major was scary. They had formations too, but not really as interesting as TK's. Bowen just had plain formations, but they had style, plus their music was one of the louder ones.