Saturday, July 01, 2006

Exams over, IG army finished, rediscovered Heroes (III! V, meh)...

It's a cause for celebration!

Went for the SYF Opening today, it was kinda boring, but the Outdoor Band Comp. Was GREAT. Loved the TK display, they had like motifs of heroes like Batman, Superman... and they played like snippets of each theme song! Imnagine the shock when I heard The Incredibles as they entered... They even did a Darth Vader! Never thought they could do that. But their 1812 Overture Finale was the best. Seriously, they made that St Petersburg Cathedral, and had a couple of cannons in the front. People who know the song should know what the cannons were used for. Or even those that watched V for Vendetta. Woo wee, that was awesome!

Deyi Secondary School's Drum major was scary. They had formations too, but not really as interesting as TK's. Bowen just had plain formations, but they had style, plus their music was one of the louder ones.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

freaky huh? wanted to go but aiyar cldnt go la.. anyway u going for netta's concert this sat? heard eug going...

5:56 PM  

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