Sunday, February 26, 2006

Stupid Fairy Tale song. It's stuck on my head now, and it had my sister wondering since when I liked Chinese Pop. I don't. I just like the melody.

Maths test coming up this week, not too sure when, I'll die if it's tomorrow... Not that I'm not prepared of course, just not prepared ENOUGH. Did I put that in caps? Sorry.

Bump on the side of my head subsiding, arm injury healin' fine. That means it's back to the stupid Weights Room. Didn't get to train on Fri thx to class lunch... Not that I'm complainin' of course. Just have to train a bit more so I don't look so lao kui during PE... Haiz.

Had grad photo shoot with my sis last night, felt great. Can't wait for the photos to be done, but it might take a while. Had passport photos done as well, which reminds me, Steffi, if ya readin' this, I'll probably get my passport photo done by mid week as well. Better to apologize now, than to have her glare down on me like that. It's like she grows up to Lip Kai's height, and that's scary.

She think's I'm mean. Ow. Where did that one come from?

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Just got myself a knock on the side of the head trying to escape from the flurry of licks the two crazed furballs inflicted unto me. Doesn't really hurt, but don't be surprised if I go to school on Monday and go "huh?"

I like waffles.

Blue orange elephant peanuts

Ok never mind that, the flower sales have been quite successful, but I seriously feel we can do much better. Didn't really like Gordon always asking about our profits, but I understand he's just curious and he can't help it. Kept askign me whether we were planning any performances as well. The only other performance I know I'm going for is Play' 06, have you gotten your tickets yet?

Oooh bump on the side of me heaaaad

Finally, there's a new issue of Kyo in the stores. I'm going to read it, and read it, and read it...

Ow, bump really getting to me. Random rambling from now on.

Woo hoo woo hoo woo hoo

I'll walk this lonely road on me own...

I don't need that ice cream cone...

Feeling tired, feeling alone...

Yippe doo, call my phone!

Hey, I did warn you it was going to be random.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Concert repertoire really building up. We now have tracks like Pearl Harbour, Joe Hisaiki's selections, Soundtracks from Pocahantas, even a very nice piece entitled Fairy Tale. No idea why it's so familiar, but the rest of the band seem to be quite sick of it already. Beats me, I don't know where that came from.

Other than that, nothing much eles happened. Kudos to Sam for introducing this cool new game called Anarchy, that got us all hooked. Long game, but fun nonetheless. Feels like Bridge, but a bit different. Good enough for us.

Finding it quite hard to talk to girls, especially girls that I have a past with. The thing is, I can talk to other girls perfectly fine. Then why is it that select few that I have a problem with...?

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Think you know English? Take this test to find out.

It's a test that tests ya on commonly confused words, from complimented to complemented etc. Go try it out! I got Exceptional.

Please take some time to look through this piece of shameless advertising.

Hey all, just want to bring to your attention to the following. On the
9th and 10th of March, RJCSB will be holding their annual concert,
Play. It will be held at the PAC, 7.30p.m. Come on down to listen to
classic pieces like Die Fieldermaus, Paris Sketches, Fantasy of Light,
even the Mr Incredible theme from the Incredibles.

Also, take this once in a lifetime opportunity to listen to the
original Merry Widow Selections, the song that is now becoming fast
popular in the Singapore Youth Festival. Yes, RIMB was the first to
play the song, now hear the orignal members play it once more! (Just
in case y'all wondering, I'm one of the original few that played the
song for the first time in Singapore.)

Also see instruments that you've never seen before in action!
Trombones, oboes, even the oh-so-strange euphonium. You don't get a
chance like this everytime! So come on down. Tickets are priced at $4,
and are available for both dates. (9th and 10th). Free seating. Come
on down as a class, a group, heck even a couple.

I have 5 tickets with me, two for the 9th and 3 for the 10th.
Additional tickets can be purchased at the booth just at the entrance
to the canteen. So what are you waiting for? Get your tickets now!

Ok, asap!

This piece of advertisement has been brought to you by Zack.


In other news, band practice was concelled today. Sources tell us this is due to the PSC roadshow that the J2s have to go for. Band practice has thus been officially transfered to Thursday, the 24th of Feb, starting at 5p.m. The writer wishes all to note, this might be only applicable to the Euphoniums, and is unable to confirm whether or not it is an official practice.


I have a list of songs on my Ipod, under "Zack's Favs." These songs are songs that help to perk me up, help me lift my mood. Songs that include the likes of Merry Widow (SYF version), Throne Room (ending from SW4. I liked that song, reminds me of victory), The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny and many others. Many thanks to Jian Wei for providing me two more songs to this little collection. Two piano instrumentals that sound vaguely familiar. Were they renditions of pop songs, JW? Never got to ask him that.

Seems like I'm listening to that list momre and more often though.

In "non-depressing" news, I got myself a left arm injury, incurred upon me by lifting my bag up and down the cubby holes outside the Shaw Foundation Library. It's not like one of those cramps you get early in tthe morning from turning and tossing too much, but rather a sharp, stabbing pain as though a muscle ripped itself. Because of that, I couldn't go to the weights room to pump those iron. Will be going tomorrow, if my arm feels better. Oh yes, I finally figured out how to work the forearm. Yippee.


Ya know what I hate about blogs? You can't really write your feelings about certain stuff without the whole world reading it. Aw well. That's just too bad for ya.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Came back from blood donation, arm still feeling kinda sore, and it was kinda cool to see all that blood ooze (did i say ooze?) into the tube and all... Only guy in my class that went for it though, Sam is still trying to get parental consent, no idea about the rest.

New guy in our class, very quiet, quite shy. I think our class scares him.

Card ban really getting to us, it can get extremely boring without any type of entertainment.

Entre group going full steam ahead, with a 13 man strong team now. (sry, 3 guys and 10 girls) Next project, selling flowers for Dramafeste.

No, I've nothing much eles to report. Kinda boring isn't it? I blame Bridge Withdrawal.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Felt a little bored today, so I thought I start on a little animation project of my own. Check it out. It might be a little cute now but rust me, if you've seen Madness, you know htat looks deceive.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Feeling a bit brain drained (as usual) to post, but I'll try my best. It's V'Dae today. I gave my Valentine as nice little gift, it's was a stuffed pig sleeping on a pillow, which is actually a jewellery box with a pair of earrings within. The original idea was to have the pig sleeping on a bed of roses, but I never got around to understanding how to fold the things. So I substituted it with tinsel that looks like hay. Or at least that was the idea.

To the girls of my OG, apologies for not getting anything material for y'all. If you've checked out the E-groups, I've uploaded a Valentine's Day card that I've made last night. If you ask my opinion, the card was successful in a way, cos I realized my design has greatly improved. Animation wise, not so good yet. Music sense... Let's just say I was kinda desperate to finish the thing.

Other things to take note, the Class CIP project is going fine, we just carried out the survey today. Collation will be done by Thursday, but seriously I hope I ain't pushing my commitee so hard. Sometimes I get that impression, but I really want the project to be a success. Same with the Entrepreneur Network. We met for the second time today, and we acheived quite a bit. I've been made the project leader, and that means I'm responsible for whatever the group will be doing. I've better do a good job.

Good thing is, the entre group seems very excited in seeing it completed. All the more reason that I don't screw things up. We'll be meeting this Sat, to finalize the proposal, which we will finish by next friday to be sent for verification. Once it is cleared, we can go on to finding guest performers.

Great. Now I'm officially drained. That's all.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Saturday. Whoopee. Felt a lot smarter today, cos I finally understood how my Bio. Now all I need is a smarter guy to come along and ask a question and make me go "uh?"

Friday, February 10, 2006

Ok, now that I'm over my defeat in the O Level's AND the failed outing, I can post. Don't ask me abt my O's.

Eyesight getting worse, entering the 1000 range. Got to get new glasses for lectures and classes. Keeping my old glasses for homework though.

The only good thing today, is that we know that the class is going to stay intact. But what's the chances MORE will come in.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Class outing to my place for this Saturday cancelled. Aw. Now I got nothing to do for the weekend. 'Cept mug for Bio + Chem test. What a joy eh?

Feeling kinda productive today. Finished Hist assignment, Chem outline and reflections, and other stuff. Things to look out for, O Level results. Then come home to package that Valentine's gift.

Sounding semi-interested to you? Let's just say that I'm in one of those moods where I don't really want people around me. I'll siam to a corner and watch on in stoic silence. Don't ask me why, cos I don't know. Just unlucky I guess.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Random picture of the week. Feeling quite wu liao.

Feeling too mentally drained to make a post. And I'm not going to write another two page letter on what we need to do etc. Grammatically imperfect, but long. I only hope it packs the omph I intend it to deliver.

Okay, in a few short sentences. We've met up with the Yellow Ribbon Project rep, and he says our project is feasible. We just need to iron out a few details, and we're probably set for our CIP.

That's it, too brain sapped. And I still got Maths to do.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A little pissed right now. Told four others (no names) to send in any possible errata that could be present from the Yellow Ribbon Proposal, asked them to send by midnight. No reply. Not even a 'No change' mail. Gee, My horoscope is true. I'm getting highly volatile this week.