Sunday, February 26, 2006

Stupid Fairy Tale song. It's stuck on my head now, and it had my sister wondering since when I liked Chinese Pop. I don't. I just like the melody.

Maths test coming up this week, not too sure when, I'll die if it's tomorrow... Not that I'm not prepared of course, just not prepared ENOUGH. Did I put that in caps? Sorry.

Bump on the side of my head subsiding, arm injury healin' fine. That means it's back to the stupid Weights Room. Didn't get to train on Fri thx to class lunch... Not that I'm complainin' of course. Just have to train a bit more so I don't look so lao kui during PE... Haiz.

Had grad photo shoot with my sis last night, felt great. Can't wait for the photos to be done, but it might take a while. Had passport photos done as well, which reminds me, Steffi, if ya readin' this, I'll probably get my passport photo done by mid week as well. Better to apologize now, than to have her glare down on me like that. It's like she grows up to Lip Kai's height, and that's scary.

She think's I'm mean. Ow. Where did that one come from?


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