Thursday, June 15, 2006

This whole week has been band band band, so I know I must blog about it. It all starts with a three day two night band chalet, then the piece de resistance, the invesiture. A bit different than standard investiture from RIMB, but memorable nonetheless. 'sides, I'm in a writing mood. My RP posts are finally exceeding form space again.

So yeah, first off the chalet. Went the first day, the first day was actually dominated by J1s. Lester was the only J2, then Richard came along at night. We spent the first day playing bridge, playing X Box, eating pizza, playing more bridge, then huddling around a torchlight to play Mafia and telling each other spooky tales. I took delight in being gamemaster for Mafia, but the alcohol I had earlier prevented from thinking of more ways to 'kill' the victims off. In the end I think I repeated a couple of killings. What to do? I don't take 43% alcohol often. Can't be as bad as Venetia though, her face went red after half a cap full. Argh don't kill me.....!

Anyway, the batch decided to squeeze all into one room. kind of successful, but that's cos Enyi and I decided to stay out of the room. I had enough sleep when the batch was chatting, and Enyi just didn't feel like sleeping. We ended up playing Gin Rummy with Lester and Richard who were happily mugging DURING chalet.

Morning of the second day, we had cornflakes for breakfast. The batch that could wake up by then went off to the beach to catch the sunset while stubborn me remained behind to defeat Count Dooku. Call me anti-social, but I finally cleared that level, k. Stubborn stubborn stubborn. Anyway, when the rest of the batch woke up, I remember going up to the room to nap since there was nothing to do. Woke up a bit for lunch, then went back to sleep again. Woke up to GM a round of Mafia, before preparing for the BBQ. Found out there was a lot to learn abt BBQing, at least I now know how to start a fire.

After BBQ, half of the batch went to the beach. A few remained behind to watch the seniors play Winning Eleven. Then a few of these few went off to join the rest, while a couple went off in a totally different direction. Freaked the three of us who remained out, so I and Yi Heng went to look for the batch that went to the beach. We eventually found them, after we walked out to the beach and they shouted for us from the chalet -.- so anyway, we decided to form a search party to look out for the missing two, Narishka and Jasmine. Two small girls. Out there alone. Not very comforting. So we called out for them, decided to turn in the other direction, sent a couple back to the chalet cos of a twisted ankle, and continued. We eventually managed to contact them, turns out they had walked out a long way, couldn't see the chalet. We decided to meet them on the main road, and brought them back to the chalet. Sure hope I didn't turn out too fierce on the both of them. I bet i sounded like a old woman.

Anywaaay... we had less problems squeezing into a room, since a large grp of us went to watch the Brazil Croatia match, but it was so boring that a couple of us including me went up to sleep first. Third day morning we played a little more ps before checking out and going back home. Jasmine, Enyi and Shaun went over to Fatimah's house to bake, not too sure abt Jeff. Oh, did I mention the scandals during the chalet?

So, investiture. Turned up late, but a good thing it hadn't started. Didn't get the SL post, but I guess I didn't really deserve it, since I didn't really throw myself into band. Went batch outing after, had lunch at the girls' place (they called it "Our Place"). Went on over to Lido to catch Silent Hill. Yep. Two horror movies in two weeks. Go me. It wasn't really scary though, guess I was numb after Omen. Popcorn did help.

So yeah, interesting week. Here's to a new era in Band history, and the best of luck yo our couples!



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