Saturday, April 15, 2006

Well just thought I'll put up a sketch of mine, this is actually the best out of three (the other two were terrible, this much I'll say.)

Looks much better on paper than on screen, I blame the scanning. But other than that, I apologize for not completing the sketch. I know the Mumakil looks funny, not all the Haradrim were drawn in, but I'm still practicing, ok? This is a sketch of my new character, Cassowary. To those that aren't familiar, I kinda have a fantasy storyline going, all sprung up since I started RPing in RoH. To dat I have a whole list of characters, plots, but no physical result. Sorry for the disappointment, but I'll get around to doing it, k?

So, introductions. According to my RoH story, Cassowary is one of the Pendant Bearers, and is supposedly capable of skimming across dimensions. When I drew this sketch I scrapped that idea. I thank Battle for Middle Earth II for helping me create a new story for her. Basically she's an elite archer, capable of stealth and calling the birds to scout areas for her. Extremely resourceful, she can take down entire battalions without even being seen and when the going gets tough, she can call the winds and summon a tornado in the middle of the battlefield. Yes, she can heal herself even in the midst of a fight.

Yeah, so this sketch is just her, preparing to intercept a Mumakil convoy. Wheee.

p.s. I hope you notice, Cassowary is a girl. Aaaand I realize I forgot to draw a quiver of arrows.


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