Sunday, March 05, 2006

Was feeling a little bored at home, so I took out an old DVD and popped it into the player. Guess what it was.

Woo hoo, it was Princess Mononoke. Haven't watched THAT for a long time. I used to remember how I went crazy over it, I'll watch it like 7 times in a week (I was Sec 2 then, I had the time). I loved the soundtrack, the characters (koff San Koff), the story... Now, come to think of it, the script was kinda corny though. I mean, San goes "I'm not a human! I'm a wolf!" Tell me you don't go "Uh?"

But hey, I'm a fan of animation, and this is a great animation. Loved every minute of it. Ok, 'cept for the script and the fake goriness (an arrow cutting off both arms at the same time. Classic. And no blood to boot.) I remember how I used to like analyse it in my head like it was some literary text, asking myself questions like "Is Eboshi really evil? Or is she a saint?" Hey, I was Sec 2, remember?

Heh yeah, I'll watch it again if I have the chance. Thing is, the disc cranks up my computer everytime I try to load it. I had to watch the movie in my sis' room. Aw well. oYou can't stop a good thing.


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