Thursday, March 30, 2006

Oh yeah, did I mention Bio test? I didn't? Or did I?

Anyway today was a good day. Council Interview was smooth, don't think I screwed up badly, at least Senthil said I didn't do too bad. Won a few games of Star Munchkin, just returning the favour after Lip Kai's victories over me. I think he's still pissed that I made a Lvl 1 Chair telepathic, making it undefeatable by him. He went on about how I should have targeted Michelle Jane, who had a higher level and therefore a bigger threat... Yeah I guess that's true, but it was MJ's first game anyway. Give chance lah you.

Last round was awfully close, Lip Kai almost won, lucky I got initiative and killed a monster before he did, he had traded away his monster enhancers for a low level monster in hopes that he would get his turn before me. Thing is, I think he forgot he drew a monster first turn, so he can't "look for trouble", allowing me to kill my monster before he can. So this victory was lucky, in a sense. But hey, that victory in the holding room for Council interview was sweet, ok? Go me.

'Sides, when we played our second game with Mei Ting, everyone was level 9, and she fought this monster that she couldn't kill on her own, but she chose to fight with Lip Kai and together they whooped the monster's ass, giving them both a level each, making them both the winners of that game. Zack felt really sad after that.

Glad that more people are catching on to the game, it gets boring playing with the same people all the time. I think it's the idea of backstabbing that makes it fun and attractive. Will try to get other versions of the game...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

One term paper, one history essay tutorial, one application question yet-to-be-done, one debate to prepare, one Council interview to prepare for, one CIP project to worry about, several games of Star Munchkin, one PE session, one headache to tend to, one band concert to practice for, one more term paper to write...

Yeah I'll say I'm pooped.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Apparently dissatisfied by the previous attempts, I managed to uncover a more recent photo. This one was made duirng Play '06, our band concert. Woo hoo!

So here's the new list. Please note that the band trip photo is 2 years old? So this is much more accurate. Knock yourself out ladies. By the way, Jian Wei, you look like Beyonce. So says the program.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

I ask myself this. Who's Al Pacino?

Anyway, I was taking a break from History term paper, and came across this quite dandy link where you upload a photo of yourself and they see which celebrity you resemble. So, thanks to the fact that I don't take photos often, I resorted to using last year's band trip photo. So should I be glad that I don't look a bit like these people? 50% and below is not a lot. By the way, the web url is

Bet y'all aching to see who I look like. Go on. Laugh your socks off.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Just got back from a trip to the library, more like a shopping trip in fact. Couldn't find any books to help with my history term paper, but I did snag a few good catches.

One, Star Munchkins. The card dungeon rp game. In space. Woo hoo. My cousin has the original, so I got this version. Extremely good fun. Will try to bring it to school.

Two, New X-Man comics. Haven't got them in a while. Yeah I'm following the Academy X storyline now, the one with the New Mutants. The latest instalment is cool, but fortunately didn't give us a kind of a cliffhanger. As I was reading it I was so afraid that it would be a cliffhanger. Fortunately it wasn't. Zack is happy. Another one is a side story on the Academy X, focusing on the Hellions. 'Bout time these guys get their own comic.

There's actually a lot more I want to talk about, but I can't really remember what. Give Zack time.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Today, the Second World War was fought once more, to rather astonishing results. I'll try my best to recount the events that led to the peace agreement by all four factions.

The year is 1941. Germany is at the height of its power. Britain was fighting a war on both the home front and in North Africa, and America has just entered the war. The only Allies faction that seemed ready for war was the Soviet Union, who had troops in her borders. Germany opened up the conflict by violating the Nazi-Soviet Pact. German troops from Poland and Hungary invaded and captured the Soviet territories of East Poland and Bessarabia. Unsatisfied with the promises of Vichy France to remain peaceful, Germany moved in troops and occupied the territory, boosting their economy once more. Meanwhile, German U-Boats attacked the convoy supply lines of the Allies, crippling the economies severely. The Bismark and an accompanying destroyer sank the British destroyer fleet at the Strait of Gilbraltar, and moved on to the Azores Sea.

The Soviets, unhappy with the Germans for violating the pact, began a mass movement of their troops. Infantry and war equipment throughout Russia was sent to the borders to stave off the German invasion. A submarine moved in to liberate the Russian Convoy centre, and Britain sent troops into Libya, bringing the war closer to the Germans in Tunisia. Displeased with the destruction of the destroyer fleets at the Straits of Gilbraltar and the British conovy line, the Brits returned the favour by sinking the German subs and transport waiting in the Danish Sea. America sent a destroyer to hunt down one of the German U-boats stalking their convoy line, but was unable to destroy it, as the U-Boat retreated before the destroyer could fire a shot.

Germany eyed the lush lands of Belorussia. German troops poured into the territory, but the Soviets fought back, forcing the Germans to retreat. Tanks from Poland took the Baltic States, but it was only a tempory respite. The Soviets mobilised their entire army and pushed the Germans out from East Poland and Bessarabia. German U-boats began their journey to the Mid Atlantic, just off the American Eastern Coast. Bismark and a transport lay in wait in the Central Atlantic. Meanwhile, a German aircraft carrier and several transports were under construction in Northern Italy. The British unloaded all their troops from Britain and invaded Norway, supported by coastal bombardment by the British Royal Navy and air cover by the RAF. Canadian factories began production of a defence force. America lay in wait of the upcoming German invasion.

It never came. The Germans in a brilliant feint, attacked the British fleet at the Davis Strait, just off the shore of Canada. A destroyer was destroyed in port, and a transport holding a tank never got the chance to unload it's goods. The Germans captured Canada, severely crippling the production facilities of Britain. The Germans were now just next door of America. Meanwhile the German aircraft carrier moved out of the Mediterranean into the Atlantic Ocean, carrying a cargo of two fighters and accompanied by two transports, each carrying tanks.

The Soviets, hardpressed by the Allies to march on to Germany, captured Poland from the Germans. Foresight allowed the Germans to withdraw most of their forces back into Germany to prepare for the impending Soviet invasion. Back in North Africa, British forces destoryed the Germany army in Tunisia with aid from a destroyer offshore and a fighter based in Malta. Troops from Norway went over to Denmark, but were unable to capture it despite destroying all land forces. America reacted to the German threat in Canada by marching across the border and driving the Germans out. In a bid to show their worth, America went on with D-Day and proceeded to land troops in France. The British RAF offered to help, but America declined. Without enough air support, the Germans easily drove the Americans back into Britain.

Britain make a crucial mistake of emptying Britain during the invasion of Norway. Germany seized the chance and unloaded his forces in Britain, capturing London. The RAF and the American Air Force scattered, determined to fight another day. The situation was now critical for the Allies. If Germany held Britain for long enough, they would win the war. Russia hastened productions of strike bombers and fighters, meanwhile bolstering their forces in Poland. The force was not strong enough to be able to capturing Germany surely.

The British was determined to retake their homeland. Together with the newly formed Russian Air Force and the American Air Force, the RAF and the Navy proceeded with the land invasion of Britain. The German aircraft carrier was destroyed by un-forseen Russian subs. The Germans put up a brave fight, but were in the end defeated by the air superiority of the Allies. Britain learnt never to leave territories empty ever. America bolstered their air force.

By now the war was dragging too long. All factions desired resolution sooner or later. Germany decides to make one last attack on the United Kingdom. The Allies scrambled to aid Britain, and Germany had a much harder time fighting against the now rebuilt British Home Guard. The invasion failed. All faction leaders met aboard a British battleship, and signed a treaty for peace. The leaders agreed that this war will be fought another time. Spirits were high as the war was now over, and the German and American leaders were reported leaving the conference together...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Well it was quite a screwed up day. First thing I did in the morning was to grab the shower head and ripped the thing right out of its tap. Next I almost died during PE when my back gave up on me during the last time trial. Then I lost 6 troops while attacking North Africa from Brazil, WITHOUT KILLING ANY OF THE OPPONENT'S TROOPS. Sealed the fate of the whole game.

On the bright side we were released early from History tutorial on the grounds that we didn't prepare. True, we all thought it was gonna be International History. Who knew it was gonna be SEA? Plus GP was like a free period.

Vernus got 4 white slips IN ONE GO. A teacher who felt that she needed to show some authority around, decided to come along and give her a white slip for every dress code error she could find. Caused quite an outrage in my class. What made me feel really pissed was the fact that there was nothing we could have done to lessen the consequences or avoid the situation all together. The school must re-access their policy with regards to white slips.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Ow. Second day back in school and I'm already tired out. I blame the fact that I can't wake up at 5.55a.m. anymore. Always hit the snooze button.

Entre Network project going veery smoothly, meeting this Friday with VSA. Till then nothing to do y'all.

Chem test today was a bomb. I think I found out I got two questions wrong. That's gonna kill my score. Plus I didn't do a certain 3 mark question. (Explain why chromium and copper has 1 electron in it's s orbital, or smth like that.) Can't believe I missed the big jump in the Ionization energy question. So instead of valency 5, I got 3. Freak. And I have no idea whether it is N2 or N2O as a product. My calculations tell me it's N2, but friends tell me its N2O.

Will be bringing Axis and Allies tmw, hopefully I can find somewhere to stow it whilst I'm gone. Or maybe I could find some way to stow it in another manner... Nah. I'll bring it around and cover it with my books or smth.

Time table change. Whoopee. Now Tuesday (today) is a loooong day. Don't know how I survived. And double History on Wed. Don't know whether it's good or bad, won't know till tmw.

Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack helps alot to help me concentrate. If only I had anything to concentrate on anyways.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Haven't been posting all holidays, was thinking of actually making a mega big one at the end to sum up all that happened... okay fine. I was lazy, busy playing Battle for Middle Earth II. Happy? That game rocks, by the way.

So. On Tuesday I went out for OG outing. We went down to Cineleisure, scouted out locations for lunch, met up with the rest of the group, got tickets for a movie, had lunch at Cartel (everyone just had to get the same meal.), freaked out at Kenneth's stalking tendencies and we shot some pool before watching Date Movie. That show was funny, especially if you know which movies are being parodied. It's real funny, to see different movies of different genres being put together. All in the tradition of Scary Movie. After that we planned to walk to Plaza Sing for ice cream but the OG thought it was too far, and we split up from there.

Wednesday. Band batch outing. Met up at City Hall, went down to Marina Square to grab a 'fast food' lunch (the plan was to get slow food). Jeff got a kick from telling everyone about Date Movie. After that was pool, again, and after that was what I actually dreaded. K Box trip. I'm not a fan of Chinese pop songs, gave them up a long time ago. So naturally I don't even recognise most of the songs that the girls took delight in picking. Well, with the unique exception of Tong Hua, since we played that for Play '06. So when coaxed to sing a song or two, I just picked a couple of English songs (thank goodness for that) and crowed along. Not a really good singer there, but I can survive. Mel was good, and Yi Heng was great on the fast paced and higher pitched ones. After 4 hours of loud music, we split up for another fast food dinner at KFC. Flouted the "start eating together" rule twice. No one reminded me. Pfft.

Thursday, class outing. This was split up into two portions, East Coast trip in the morning and barbeque at night. Cycled for who-knows how long, before having lunch at a hawker centre, then cycled some more. Interesting, no? Anyway we headed off to Aaron's house for barbeque. Took special delight in starting the fire (long way to go, but I was relatively successful.) and cooking the food. The rest of the class turned up and took turns singing campfire songs (ironically, not around the barbeque pit.) After everything was consumed (especially the piéce the résistance, the sting ray. Go me.) we sat around, and played Truth or Dare. We agreed that whatever happens then will not be revealed. So... too bad.

Yeah, Friday was stay at home and do your work day. Saturday abit different, it was go-to-library-and-do-your-work-cos-repairmen-are-coming-to-your-house day.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Ok ok, y'all might be getting bored of seeing things like this, but...

Your Personality Is

Idealist (NF)

You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.

You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.

You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.

In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.

At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.

With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.

As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.

On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.
The Three Question Personality Test

Only thing I disagree with is that charity work ain't no pastime of mine. And I have times when I just don't know what to say.
Haven't been updating for a while, I blame Battle for Middle Earth 2. It's just too addictive for my own good. Yeah, we got tons of homework this week, but we got tons of chances to relieve all those stress too. Just today, I went for OG outing, a band batch outing is planned for tomorrow and a class outing on thursday. Three straight days. I'm going to be pooped.

Otherwise... nothing else really. You don't want me to bor you with rants about BFME2.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Well, kind of a tiring day. Woke up at 9 (when I slept at like 2 that morning) and went off to Chris' house to refresh my Battle for Middle Earth skills. Took two games for me to return to my speed. Pity Xian Ying left when I played my second game. At least we all go a kick out of watching Matthew go on bloodthirsty rampages around GTA San Andreas. He really likes hijacking ambulances and using it to INTENTIONALLY crash into others. At least when I play, I hit those people by accident.

Yeah, then after that I had a cousins dinner of sorts, and we chatted about developments since we last met. Before that, I got myself Axis and Allies (the Board Game) European Theater. Freaking awesome. Very similar to Risk, but a lot more strategy and less luck involved. Why? Cos Germany is freaking outnumbered. Germany is playing like 1 v 3 (the Big Three), and they are totally surrounded in the beginning of the game. But thing is, two of the Allies (Britain and Soviet Union) suffer from low income, and U.S. is too unprepared to be too significant a factor. It's 1941, Pearl Harbor had just been bombed. The U.S. were unprepared. So Germany is VERY strong early game. Furthermore, their navy of subs spans across most of the Atlantic, rivalled only by Britain's destroyer fleet. The German could easily blockade the U.S. from transporting too many troops in the early game, but the Destroyers' advantage over the subs (units are able to attack subs in the same area as a destroyer, subs lose first strike agst units accompanied by destroyers) would own the Germans. The German main navy is too far away to effectively land troops into U.S. to send them out of the game (The U.S. start with only two territories in the game) early.

The only chance that I see for Germany to survive is to send one of the weaker Allies (Britain or Soviet Union) out of the game asap. Britain suffers from lack of land troops, but her navy is one of the finest. If Germany keeps the pressure on Britain (Strategic Bombing, amphibious assaults), I'm pretty sure it would fall. Then again, I haven't had a chance to play the game, so I can't really comment just yet. In fact, I'm looking for people to play with over the hols. Anyone?

Know why I like the game so much? Cos it's freaking realistic. Each faction have their unit style of units, the situation of the Battle of Atlantic, the strength of the armies at the beginning of the game... Even the fact that Turkey (neutral) didn't allow ANY naval units to sail into the Black Sea is there. How cool is that?

In other news, I found out Grace and Jasmine wouldn't be joining us for the rest of the band year. And I still owe Grace her birthday gift. How in the world am I gonna pass it to her now? Stupid Zack.

On a totally different note, I'm tired out. Whee.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Phew, tired out after two straight days of concerts. Something that I and my pals in the band haven't done before. Sure we have concerts, but never had them twice in a row. Well, the first one wasn't as good as the second one. I blame it on nervousness. Yeah, so we went to celebrate with a little supper at everyone's favourite prata shop. Now I'm back, and you can't go to sleep on a full stomach, so I'm up.

On a completely different note, Narishka thinks I'm thin. Never had that one before. Yeah, and she's nice to talk to. Had a hard time trying to convince her to come along though. Aw well.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Come, gather ye mates. Let me tell ye the story of me hermit crabs. (Too much Pirates of the Carribean)

Yeah, those that have been following my blog since Blogeasy would have heard of my pair of crabs. Well, only one remains. Crabby unfortunately died while he was moulting. He was attacked by Hermy. Well, Hermy got depressed and escaped during the night, we panicked for one whole day before my sister found the reascal during his nightly migratory journeys. The joker was asleep during the entire day.

So Hermy is now a bachelor in his little pad, all alone, with nothing to keep him company since he well, killed his friend. I gotta do something about it soon, cos crabs cannot live alone for too long.

Yeah, and I finally watched Pirates of the Carribean today, loved the show a LOT. Now to find the sequel. Loved the soundtrack. Really corny lines too. "I've never have thought of that." "Well obviously you haven't been to Singapore." Tell me you don't go "Huh?"

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Was feeling a little bored at home, so I took out an old DVD and popped it into the player. Guess what it was.

Woo hoo, it was Princess Mononoke. Haven't watched THAT for a long time. I used to remember how I went crazy over it, I'll watch it like 7 times in a week (I was Sec 2 then, I had the time). I loved the soundtrack, the characters (koff San Koff), the story... Now, come to think of it, the script was kinda corny though. I mean, San goes "I'm not a human! I'm a wolf!" Tell me you don't go "Uh?"

But hey, I'm a fan of animation, and this is a great animation. Loved every minute of it. Ok, 'cept for the script and the fake goriness (an arrow cutting off both arms at the same time. Classic. And no blood to boot.) I remember how I used to like analyse it in my head like it was some literary text, asking myself questions like "Is Eboshi really evil? Or is she a saint?" Hey, I was Sec 2, remember?

Heh yeah, I'll watch it again if I have the chance. Thing is, the disc cranks up my computer everytime I try to load it. I had to watch the movie in my sis' room. Aw well. oYou can't stop a good thing.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Dear all,

in light of recent events, I felt a great urgency to make this post before anything goes horribly wrong. You've all read my previous post, and I've received and reflected on what y'all have said, and I thank y'all. It seems that there has been a misunderstanding. According to a friend of mine, the girl mentioned was not angry with me at all. Upon hearing that, you've no idea how relieved I've felt. That little thought that she had been angry with me no longer haunts me, and I'm... glad.

It had all been a big foolish mistake on my part. Many apologies to those that have been affected somehow, and I thank all that have given me advice and so forth.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What I'm going to tell you is a true story. A birthday of a friend of mine is coming soon. I've only bought her a present once, and several times before for different occasions. Some people reading this would proabably know who I'm talking about.

I've known this girl for a couple of years. She was sweet, pretty, and very nice to talk to. However the relationship was purely professional. We've only met a few times to swap scores between our bands. I'll give her small presents and short messgaes to wish her luck for her upcoming concerts and SYF, and she'll message me at times. All seemed well.

Till Cadenza '05 came.

Cadenza was an RGSSB concert, and they invited us (RIMB) to come perform with them, along with another Japanese school band. Thing is, it was minutes before RI went on stage, and in tradition, I got her a small rose to well, wish her luck once more. Here comes the stupid part. Feel free to slap me for it.

She was well, talking to a friend, and I was standing there, beginning to feel rather akward. But who was I to just interrupt their little conversation? So when I finally got her attention, I was in a rush. RI was going on soon, and I was still stuck here. I gave her the flower, and ran off. But what I said to her, still haunts me till today. I said sorry.

What kind of jerk would say sorry for giving a girl a rose? I did. And after that, I don't know what happened. I kept getting the feeling that she didn't want anything to do with me anymore. I didn't dare to even send her a SMS. Not even to see her nick on MSN. I once asked for the conductors score for a particular song, and had originally wanted her to pass them to me during a RJC scholarship talk that RI and RGS went for. At first, she said she couldn't go. A few days later, she said that she went with someone else, and she passed the scores to my junior.

Who clearly couldn't have gone for the talk, he was only secondary 2. He had no reason to go to RJC. Even after i interrogated him, he said that no one met him or passed him anything. My secondary 3 junior said the same. Up till now, I still don't know where the scores are.

Then came J1 life. You all wondered why I initially didn't want to join band? Here's the real reason. Half of me didn't want to join because I've lost passion for the art of music making. The pther half was that I didn't dare to see her. Call me a coward for all you care, but I just didn't know what I would do if she joined. So when I went for the first practice, I was partly relieved to see that she hadn't joined. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against her joining RJCSB, that's her choice. I just don't know what I would do.

Then one day, after a few months of silence, she messaged me. You wouldn't believe how glad I was at first, then my fear re-sank. She asked why I didn't join band, because I hadn't like come for the two pracs that SHE went. Half of me rejoiced of being able to see her once more, but the other more dominant half reminded me, haunted me of the incidents of times past.

Now I see her everytime I go for band. A pang of guilt everytime I see her. Sometimes I see her talking to the other guys, laughing, and I would think back to the times when we chatted. I just didn't dare to even start a conversation with her, cause everytime I see her, with the other guys, I just can't help but feel, that I was out of the game. Others are definitely better than I can ever be, and would probably make her much happier. Furthermore, I just feel uninvited. It's not as though I could just join in the conversation, not after I "joined" their conversation last year, Cadenza.

Now her birthday is coming up, thanks to Jian Wei who "hinted" at me to do something about it. I am. And so begins the biggest gamble of my life. It's about time I came clear with my past. I cannot let it haunt me any longer. I feel that I can't even buy her a gift, so I'll have to do something else. I'm going to make her an E-Card, much like the one for Valentines. In it I'll explain it all, why I've been a jerk, avoiding her, not even daring to look her in the eye. I'm not looking for pity, I'm looking for forgiveness. For saying sorry for giving a rose. For even thinking I had a chance. For even bothering her at all. It's the least I can do. For now.